Now more than ever it’s very important to be online, to have your business in the virtual world. 

Because we want to help business all around the world, we created a special designed service for the companies that are in a way or another affected by the Corona Virus aka COVID-19. BeeONLINE it’s an initiative with a single purpose and that is to make your company more visible online.

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Website Redesign Services

Your Brand, Re-Imagined

Reasons Why
Your Website May Need a Redesign

A website redesign sounds drastic – because it is. A well-implemented website redesign can bring in drastic changes and we’re not only talking about appearance.

At first glance, your website may be working and performing according to your expectations. But did you know that with website redesign you can enhance important aspects of your website? Increase overall functionality, further enhance the user experience, reach your digital marketing goals, and improve your brand’s image all in one redesign.

But the question remains, does your website need a redesign?

Talk to us about your
next website project.


Our client

The client had 2 websites that needed a new look.
So we did it by combining them together and designed a new look.

Website Redesign Self-Assessment

A website redesign is a necessity. It’s not just about keeping up with design trends; website redesigns arise out of the need to keep up with the evolving industry, technology, and customer demands. In order for your business to grow, your website should be able to make the most out of your brand’s marketing potential.

But when will you know if it’s the right time to redesign your website?
You’ll need to take these things into consideration:

Functionality Issues.

Do you need to add a new website functionality or are your website’s functionalities are no longer working as they should?

Outdated Design.

Design trends come and go. If your website had been around for some time, several of its design elements may appear dated, it may give visitors the impression that the website hasn’t been active for quite some time.

Navigation and Organization Improvements.

It may not be evident at first, but your website’s navigation and structure could be hindering your visitors from accessing necessary information or performing tasks that lead to sales.

Outdated Content.

Evergreen content is not possible in business websites. Outdated content, especially ones regarding products and services can be detrimental to your lead nurturing efforts.


Keeping up with the competition takes a lot of work but a company’s rebranding effort won’t be complete with a website redesign to reflect the changes in the brand’s identity or image.

Contact Us

Let’s start a conversation.


We’re the Website Redesign Firm You’ll Need for the Job

There are things that are not working on your website. You’ll need a solid fix, not a patch. REM.10’s design team will provide you with outstanding results that include but are not limited to:

  • A unique and custom-designed website with excellent aesthetic appeal
  • A highly functional website with a user-friendly UI and excellent UX experience
  • Highly responsive and forward-compatible website redesigns
  • Search engine-optimized website for higher visibility
  • Conversion-optimized website that increases digital marketing revenue
  • An up-to-date website with excellent technical performance

Customized Redesign Solution

REM.10 knows very well that every website is different. Design solutions that may work for one website may not work for a website even if it is of the same type or is selling the same products. That’s why we offer customized redesign solutions that are the best fit for your website’s needs.

Our all-inclusive in-house website redesign services include:

  • Website maintenance services
  • Regular website updates
  • SEO services
  • Search engine-optimized website for higher visibility
  • Website content, conversion, and usability analysis

Our Approach on Website Redesign

Web designers follow several design principles in order to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Web redesign follows the same set of rules and principles but most of the time, a redesign focuses on specific web design weaknesses. A text-laden website, for example, attracts and retains lesser visitors in comparison to websites that have more visual elements.

Website analysis is also available for REM.10 redesigned websites. Upon the annual renewal of plan, REM.10 offers an optional website redesign.